It's been a week of overcast weather, especially at sunset, so we decided to have a shot at some early morning locations. Out of the remaining locations we had 2 left that were more or less roadside shots. The first one was at a place called Arbor Low in Bakewell. Arbor Low is a neolithic henge monument which consists of around 50 slabs of limestone. It's actually a fairly interesting place, certainly historically. The weather forecast for the morning was promising, only a small amount of cloud was predicted. In fact, the weather in Leek was quite decent, it looked like we could be on for a good morning.
Spoke too soon! As the car pulled into the small car park, the cloud had rolled in and completely blocked the sun... frustrating! The walk to the actual location was only 5 minutes (thankfully) but because the sun was blocked there was no light on the foreground or on the limestone. It meant that all the images were quite flat and uninteresting to the eye. Grace seemed to enjoying it though, even posing for a quick shot on one of the limestone slabs:

After a further 40 minutes the weather still hadn't improved and there was still another location to visit. We had to face facts, the only way to rescue this location with such boring conditions was to convert to black and white. We tried a bunch of different locations, the best two shots were these:
It was time to cut our losses and move on. Next up on the list was Littonfields in Tideswell. I have to be honest, I made a mistake, I didn't realise that this location was literally around the corner from Peter's Stone and the town of Tideswell, I don't even have a good excuse, just poor planning! Oh well! It was a further 30 minute drive to this location and would you believe it... the weather started to clear up! It was a relief, the weather over the last few days had been grim.
We found a lay-by to park in and started to walk around some of the back lanes. There was one particular field with a nice tree, stone wall and gate, we decided to see what we could come up with using that viewpoint. There was also a nice little curved road in the background which was nice:
The light started to change quite a lot, with most of the cloud clearing. The sun was quite high by now which was a bit of an issue. As we were walking back to the car we took one final shot: